AT Rating

Inspired by the traditional STAR () rating as a measure of quality. The AT (@) is a sign of the digital worthiness of an entity. It is a measure of how the entity uses digital along its customer journey: before, during, and after.

The AT Rating assesses how much your entity has invested in digital technology to benefit today’s savvy technology-oriented customer.

A customers’ digital experience starts right at the beginning of considering their consuming act. The quality of the product or service itself, in any sector, is no longer enough.
Today consumers need to interact with every touchpoint in their journey, from considering an entity to reviewing consuming options and arriving at your premises.
Throughout their experience with you, you need to make it easier for your customers to enjoy, immerse themselves and share their journey.

The AT Rating positions your entity along the journey your guests take with you and shows them how aligned you are with their needs before visiting you.

The AT Rating is calculated based on the answers given to a questionnaire to assess the entity’s digital worthiness. 


Number of AT





The questions are divided into six categories:

Digital Property-Questions
Digital Property
Digital Media-Questions
Digital Media
Customer Relation-Questions
Customer Relation